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16 August 2021

PR for Small Businesses: What Are The Benefits?

Man being interviewed

Many small business owners believe that only bigger businesses and corporations can afford to do public relations work, and that they have to pay a lot of money to get attention from media outlets; but that is the farthest thing from the truth. 

The truth is that all businesses, no matter how small they are, can use PR to their advantage. In the end, it will give your business a better reputation than relying exclusively on marketing.

Here are some reasons why you should consider using PR for small businesses to get the most bang for your buck.

How Is PR Different from Advertising?

Marketing and advertising’s main purpose is to cultivate an image to a target audience and make sales for the business.

On the other hand, public relations is about finding ways to build attention and trust. This makes sense given a Nielsen study released in late 2020 said that when it comes to influencing how consumers will interact with a brand, PR works 90% of the time more than advertising.

PR is also more cost-effective, meaning that you can do some of the core PR activities for almost free. You can also pay media outlets to sing their praises rather than spend money you don’t have on marketing or advertising.

Benefits of Public Relations

While public relations campaigns are more commonly done by bigger companies, many small businesses do not grow since they fail to see how PR can help them. Some of the benefits of PR are:

  • Helps attract potential investors
  • Creates a positive image of your business
  • Strengthens your relationship with the local community
  • Add to and supports your various initiatives
  • Conduct damage control

As long as you know how to monitor how other people respond to these campaigns, you will see how using PR will positively benefit your business more often than not. 

Creating a PR Strategy

To get more people aware of your business, you need to create a robust PR strategy. You need to have a clear goal for what you want your campaign to achieve, which means thinking like your target audience and using the right methods. 

Whether it is through traditional forms like press releases and billboards or social media sites like TikTok, sponsorships with influencers, or YouTube ad campaigns, your PR campaign should work for the audience most likely to see them. Above all, any campaign needs to tell a story, engage the public, and make them want to know more about your business.

Make PR for Small Businesses Work for Your Company

Even if you do not have all of the in-house resources to do so, PR for small businesses can improve the chances of making a name for your business.

If you have a great public relations campaign that is made positive by those outside your industry, your small business will have a better chance of success and more attention than marketing or advertising. Never underestimate the power PR can give your business.

If you want more information on public relations for small businesses and how it can help your bottom line, speak with our experts today.

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